Closing ceremony

Уважаемые коллеги, предлагаю вариант церемонии закрытия Недели английского языка

1     — Good afternoon, dear teachers and students of our lyceum.

2- We are happy to welcome you at the English language week closing ceremony.

1- We must acknowledge that teachers and students tried to create English lively atmosphere during this week.

2- During this week students took part in different exciting events. Taking part in these events was a good opportunity to improve your English and to experience a different, amazing lyceum life.

1- Today we say » Thank you » to all the students for the fantastic work they have done in preparation for parties and contests.

2- We say » Thank you» to each and everyone of the participants for making the English language week so special, so interesting and so memorable.

1- Each weekday is remembered by a special event in which pupils demonstrated their knowledge, their talents and creative enthusiasm.

2- And now we begin the ceremony of awarding the winners, the most artistic and active participants.

1- The first nominationis » Holiday Presentation». Holiday Parade was held on Tuesday. No doubt we learnt a lot about English-speaking countries holidays. The winners are awarded special diplomas.

2- On Wednesday the contest» Who knows English best» was organized for the 8th formers. Both teams were very activeand they «were fighting» with trcky questions about English language with enthusiasm.
1- The next nomination is» Poetry». Poetry party was held on Thurthday and it was filled with pleasant romantic atmosphere. Today is the 25th of Janury, Robert Burns ‘ s birthday. The great Scottish bard was honoured at our party? we enjoyd his poetry and students’ performance.

2-Special diplomas are given today to the most active participents.

1-Can you imagine an English language week without music and songs? Of course not! THE NEXT NOMINATIONIS tALENT SHOW! Talent show held on Friday was filled with holiday atmosphere . We could enjoy brilliantperformancein the English and French language.

2- The next nomination» The best composition»! Many students took part in the contest of compositions » English language, I’m in love with you»/ Mariya Trinyak’s composition was acknowlegded as the best one.

1- Now the results of the newspaper contest will be declared. Every form presented a newspaper about the symbols of thE English speaking countries.The newspapers have been done with great creanivity.

2- The last nomination is for those who have demostrated their individuality, artistic skills and a googd level of English taking part in the Opening ceremony and being the leaders of different events. They managed to fill every event with positive emotions, friendly atmosphere and holiday mood. The most charismatic participants of the English language week are awarded in this nomination.

1- We are sorry that the English language week is over. We thank you once more for good job done in it. We wish you success in learning foreign languges because a foreign language is a great tool to communicate with people from all around the world and to make your life more interesting.

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